Differences in Blood Urea and Creatinine Concentrations in Earthed and Unearthed Subjects during Cycling Exercise and Recovery
Sokal P, Jastrzębski Z, Jaskulska E, et al (2013)
Differences in Blood Urea and Creatinine Concentrations in Earthed and Unearthed Subjects during Cycling Exercise and Recovery. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine :
Contact of humans with the earth, either directly (e.g., with barefoot) or using a metal conductor, changes their biochemical parameters. The effects of earthing during physical exercise are unknown. This study was carried out to evaluate selected biochemical parameters in subjects who were earthed during cycling. In a double-blind, crossover study, 42 participants were divided into two groups and earthed during exercise and recovery. One group was earthed in the first week during 30 minutes of cycling exercise and during recovery, and a second group was earthed in the second week. A double-blind technique was applied. Blood samples were obtained before each training session, after 15 and 30 minutes of exercise, and after 40 minutes of recovery. Significantly lower blood urea levels were observed in subjects earthed during exercise and relaxation. These significant differences were noted in both groups earthed at the beginning of exercise (P < 0.0001), after 15 (P < 0.0001) and 30 minutes (P < 0.0001) of exercise, and after 40 minutes of relaxation (P < 0.0001). Creatinine concentrations in earthed subjects during exercise were unchanged. Conclusions. Earthing during exercise lowers blood urea concentrations and may inhibit hepatic protein catabolism or increase renal urea excretion. Exertion under earthing may result in a positive protein balance. 人間が大地と直接(裸足など)、あるいは金属導体を用いて接触することで、生化学的なパラメータが変化する。運動中のアースの効果については不明である。本研究では、サイクリング中にアースを行った被験者の特定の生化学的パラメータを評価するために実施した。二重盲検クロスオーバー試験で、42名の被験者を2つのグループに分け、運動中と回復時にアースを行った。1群は1週目に30分のサイクリング運動中と回復時に、もう1群は2週目に接地させた。二重盲検法が適用された。血液サンプルは、各トレーニングセッションの前、15分と30分の運動後、40分の回復後に採取された。血中尿素濃度は、運動中およびリラックス中にイヤーを装着した被験者で有意に低いことが観察された。これらの有意差は、運動開始時(P < 0.0001)、15分後(P < 0.0001)、30分後(P < 0.0001)、40分後(P < 0.0001)の両群に認められた。運動中の耳付き被験者のクレアチニン濃度は変化しなかった。結論 運動中のアーシングは血中尿素濃度を低下させ、肝蛋白異化作用の抑制または腎尿素排泄量の増加をもたらす可能性がある。アーシングによる運動は、タンパク質収支をプラスにする可能性がある。